5 Photo Memory Keeping Goals for 2025

It is still January, so a few more days to share some goals for 2025.  Since photo memory organization is my favorite hobby, I have 5 goals just for working on saving my photo memories.  Also, watching the news coverage of the California fires, there were many stories that really touched me.  It isn't just the stuff, it is what the stuff reminds you of.  "Next to the immeasurable loss of life is the loss of proof of life" John Mayer.   Things that remind you of memories and your family.  The same is true for the photos.

#1 - Consistently update my Digital Photo Hub.

To keep my photos safe and in my control, I have them all stored in a specific location on an external hard drive.  I usually favorite, cull, and tag a couple of times a year, but I want to do it monthly to keep it more manageable.

#2 - Make sure my backups are working monthly.  To ensure they are safe I also have a few backups - 2 cloud services and 1 back up drive.

#3 - Update my family photo website.  I have all of our family photos on a SmugMug website.  I love that I can view my memories from anywhere, anytime.  They are also organized by year and vacation destinations.  It also serves as a cloud back up too!

#4 - Create more photo books!

I always have good intentions, but never seem to finish my annual photo albums.  I've already started on my 2024 yearbook and Alaska Trip Book from last summer.

#5 - Share tips!   I am a Certified Photo Organizer, and wouldn't want anything to happen to my friends or family photos.  So I am going to share more photo tips and reminders this year.

I'm excited for all to come in 2025.  I can't wait to take the trip and capture the memories thru photos.


How to Maintain Your Photo Library


Don't Lose Your Photos - 5 Tips for Reliable Photos Backup