What is a Professional Photo Organizer?

What is a Professional Photo Organizer?  You probably didn't even know that it was a thing, neither did I.

Do you have boxes of family boxes that you want locally digitized and easily searchable and shareable?

Do you have thousands of photos on your phone that you would like to easily find and share with family?


I can help you and your family relive your favorite memories with your photos (and ensure their safety).

  • Organizing boxes of printed photos

  • Scan / digitize printed photos and memorabilia

  • Organize and back up your thousands of phone photos

  • Design photo books and slideshows

  • Create online galleries and photo websites

  • Set up back-up systems


Professional Photo Organizers actually exist.  It is what I do to help others capture their family stories through their photos.  Check out these photos to see some of the ways you might want help.


Don't Lose Your Photos - 5 Tips for Reliable Photos Backup


5 Simple Ways to Enjoy Your Photos